0 Death in Islam

Monday, March 12, 2012

Imam Malik Ibn Anas saw the Death Angel in his sleep, and the Imam asked him: " How much left for me to live?". The Angel pointed to his five fingers. Then the Imam asked him: " Does that mean 5 years, or 5 months, or 5 days ?". Before the Imam had a chance to get an answer back, he woke up.
The Imam went to someone who would interpret dreams. That man told him: " Imam Malik, when the Angel pointed to his five fingers he didn't mean 5 years or months or days, but the Angel meant that your question ' how much left for me to live' is among 5 matters that only Allah (SWT) knows about, and he recited the following verse from the Qur,an:

"" Verily, with ALLAH alone is the knowledge of the Hour. And HE sends down the rain, and HE knows what is in the wombs. And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, ALLAH is All-Knowing, All-Aware. "" 31:34

When Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid got very ill, illness that caused his death, he told his staff to go a head and dig his grave so he can see it before he dies. After the grave was prepared, he asked to be carried to the grave . Upon arrival, the Caliph Haroon looked down into the grave and then looked up toward the sky and said: " O' whom (Allah) his rule never ends, have mercy on whom (Haroon) his rule has ended.
One day the Prophet (pbuh) visited the Cemetery along with some of his followers, and he said to them: " I long for my beloved ones?". His followers said: " Aren't we your beloved ones O' messenger of Allah ". The Prophet (pbuh) said: " you are my companions ". Then they say: " who are your beloved ones?". The Prophet said: " People come after you believed in me without seeing me ". they asked: " How would you know them on Judgment day even though you haven't seen them O' messenger of Allah?". The Prophet said: " My followers are gathered ' Ghurr'an Muhajjalin ' ".
(( Gurr'an means light on the forehead, and Muhajjalin means light on the feet, and what brings about this light is the Ablution 'Wudu' ))
One day the Prophet (pbuh) went to a boy's funeral and he found his mother weeping and he asked: " why are you crying ". The mother said: " O' messenger of Allah, is my son in Heaven or Hell?". The prophet replied:" O' slave of Allah, He (Allah) knows his status better than I do ".

The Prophet said: " The Believer's Soul turns into a Bird in Paradise ". (( The above Hadith means, that upon the Believers death, his Soul becomes a bird in Paradise until the Resurrection day, when Allah (SWT) returns all souls to its original bodies ))

0 Belief in Life after Death

Everyone is scared of dying and rightly so. The uncertainty of what lies beyond is frightening. It may be that of all religions, Islam, provides the most graphic details of what comes after death and lies beyond. Islam views death to be a natural threshold to the next stage of existence.
Islamic doctrine holds that human existence continues after the death of the human body in the form of spiritual and physical resurrection. There is a direct relation between conduct on earth and the life beyond. The afterlife will be one of rewards and punishments which is commensurate with earthily conduct. A Day will come when God will resurrect and gather the first and the last of His creation and judge everyone justly. People will enter their final abode, Hell or Paradise. Faith in life after death urges us to do right and to stay away from sin. In this life we sometimes see the pious suffer and the impious enjoy. All shall be judged one day and justice will be served.

Faith in life after death is one of the six fundamental beliefs required of a Muslim to complete his faith. Rejecting it renders all other beliefs meaningless. Think of a child who does not put his hand in fire. He does not do so because he is sure it will burn. When it comes to doing school work, the same child may feel lazy because he does not quite understand what a sound education will do for his future. Now, think of a man who does not believe in the Day of Judgment. Would he consider belief in God and a life driven by his belief in God to be of any consequence? To him, neither obedience to God is of use, nor is disobedience of any harm. How, then, can he live a God-conscious life? What incentive would he have to suffer the trials of life with patience and avoid overindulgence in worldly pleasures? And if a man does not follow the way of God, then what use is his belief in God, if he has any? The acceptance or rejection of life after death is perhaps the greatest factor in determining the course of an individual’s life.

The dead have a continued and conscious existence of a kind in the grave. Muslims believe that, upon dieing, a person enters an intermediate phase of life between death and resurrection. Many events take place in this new “world”, such as the “trial” of the grave, where everyone will be questioned by angels about their religion, prophet, and Lord. The grave is a garden of paradise or a pit of hell; angels of mercy visit the souls of believers and angels of punishment come for the unbelievers.

Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to blow the Horn. At its first blowing, all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will fall unconscious, except those spared by God. The earth will be flattened, the mountains turned into dust, the sky will crack, planets will be dispersed, and the graves overturned.

People will be resurrected into their original physical bodies from their graves, thereby entering the third and final phase of life. The Horn will blow again upon which people will rise up from their graves, resurrected!

God will gather all humans, believers and the impious, jinns, demons, even wild animals. It will be a universal gathering. The angels will drive all human beings naked, uncircumcised, and bare-footed to the Great Plain of Gathering. People will stand in wait for judgment and humanity will sweat in agony. The righteous will be sheltered under the shade of God’s Magnificent Throne.

When the condition becomes unbearable, people will request the prophets and the messengers to intercede with God on their behalf to save them from distress.

The balances will be set and the deeds of men will be weighed. Disclosure of the Records of the deeds performed in this life will follow. The one who will receive his record in his right hand will have an easy reckoning. He will happily return to his family. However, the person who will receive his record in his left hand would wish he were dead as he will be thrown into the Fire. He will be full of regrets and will wish that he were not handed his Record or he had not known it.

Then God will judge His creation. They will be reminded and informed of their good deeds and sins. The faithful will acknowledge their failings and be forgiven. The disbelievers will have no good deeds to declare because an unbeliever is rewarded for them in this life. Some scholars are of the opinion that the punishment of an unbeliever may be reduced in lieu of his good deeds, except the punishment of the great sin of disbelief.

The Siraat is a bridge that will be established over Hell extending to Paradise. Anyone who is steadfast on God’s religion in this life will find it easy to pass it.

Paradise and Hell will be the final dwelling places for the faithful and the damned after the Last Judgment. They are real and eternal. The bliss of the people of Paradise shall never end and the punishment of unbelievers condemned to Hell shall never cease. Unlike a pass-fail system in some other belief-systems, the Islamic view is more sophisticated and conveys a higher level of divine justice. This can be seen in two ways. First, some believers may suffer in Hell for unrepented, cardinal sins. Second, both Paradise and Hell have levels.

Paradise is the eternal garden of physical pleasures and spiritual delights. Suffering will be absent and bodily desires will be satisfied. All wishes will be met. Palaces, servants, riches, streams of wine, milk and honey, pleasant fragrances, soothing voices, pure partners for intimacy; a person will never get bored or have enough!

The greatest bliss, though, will be the vision of their Lord of which the unbelievers will be deprived.

Hell is an infernal place of punishment for unbelievers and purification for sinful believers. Torture and punishment: for the body and the soul: burning by fire, boiling water to drink, scalding food to eat, chains, and choking columns of fire. Unbelievers will be eternally damned to it, whereas sinful believers will eventually be taken out of Hell and enter Paradise.

Paradise is for those who worshipped God alone, believed and followed their prophet, and lived moral lives according to the teachings of scripture.

Hell will be the final dwelling place of those who denied God, worshipped other beings besides God, rejected the call of the prophets, and lead sinful, unrepentant lives.

0 The Truth Lies Beyond: On False Problems Upon Catholic Understanding!

Introduction: Dilemmas and Decisions

In life there are situations where the right decision is clear. These are when the choices are between right and wrong, good and bad, true and untrue, black and white. However, we are perhaps more often confronted by dilemmas, situations from which we cannot see any way out, we cannot find the right course of action. In these cases we sometimes have to make compromises, to please all parties in order to overcome our dilemma. Of course, this is only sometimes and compromise solutions for ‘grey areas’ can be overused, they are the easy, but not right, way out. For example, in weak and decadent cultures, which have lost their spiritual and therefore moral foundations, it becomes common to operate through such compromises, in spite of the fact that a clear cut choice of right, and not wrong, is the solution.

Having said this, it must also be said that we are sometimes unable to resolve dilemmas, until we have more information. In such situations, it would in fact be a mistake to come to a decision without the additional facts we need to make the right decision. Thus, sometimes it is better to leave a letter unanswered; the dilemma contained in the letter may resolve itself of its own accord. We should never make a choice until we have the maximum of facts at our disposal. Though even then our choice may in fact be ‘the lesser of two evils’.
In other cases, of two choices on offer, both may be correct. It is not a question of one or the other solution, but of both solutions complementing each other, together. Such cases are false problems.
In yet other cases, the solution is neither clear cut, nor to find some mid-way compromise or balance, nor to choose the complement of both solutions. Instead, the truth lies elsewhere, beyond, in a spiritual solution to the problem. Indeed, there are many dilemmas where the solutions suggested are both wrong, the choices offered are both incorrect. Here, it takes understanding and vision to see the right way ahead, for the solution is not on offer in the question.
1. False Problems and Christian Revelation
Thus, in finding solutions to the dilemmas such as
Collective / Personal
Universal / Local
International / National
Society / Individual
we find the solution in the Holy Trinity, as revealed by Christ (Matt 28, 19 or the Gospel of St John). In this, Three Persons (individuals) are united in One Essence (a collective society). Thus the collective and the individual, the universal and the local, the international and the national, society and the individual, are reconciled. We note that the reconciliation of such opposites is only possible through Love, which is at the heart of the Revelation of the Holy Trinity. Moreover, when the Trinitarian model is denied, then battles break out between the universal and the local, and struggles, even wars, ensue between the collective and the individual. These are dilemmas without solutions, because the answers lack all Trinitarian perspective.
Another set of false questions and oppositions finds its solution through yet another Christian Revelation, the teaching on the Person of Christ, Who has Two Natures, Divine and Human:
God / Man
Vertical / Horizontal
Church / State
Clergy / People
In Christ there is no opposition. God and Man, the Vertical and the Horizontal, the Church and the State, the Clergy and the People are united in Christ. Thus, the Church is not called on to destroy the State, but to convert it, just as Christ in His Divinity did not destroy His Humanity, but raised it up to sinlessness. Such reconciliation of opposites fails only when the secular takes over from Christ. Thus, if the Church becomes secular like the State, it fails in its mission and is no longer the Church, but an integral part of the State, as has so often happened in history. And there are many cases when the People are more pious than the Clergy. In such cases the Horizontal remains largely flat, with little of the Vertical dimension.
2. False Problems and Human Nature
Man / Woman
Reason / Emotion
Mind / Body
Activism / Passivism
Human-beings are divided in their own humanity. Human nature is divided into masculine and feminine. However, both need each other; the two are indivisible. One cannot live without the other. (Here we pass over in silence the futility of the secularist question, ‘Is God male or female?’ The Creator is above all such primitive concepts imagined by the created). Rightly or wrongly, man is further associated with reason, the mind and activism, woman with emotion, the body and passivism. In reality, these aspects of human nature are complementary. Reason cannot understand everything, humanity also needs to understand intuitively, with feeling; the mind cannot live without the body and vice versa, but both need to submit to the primacy of the Spirit. And in the principle of the Spirit alone we find unity. Similarly, at times we need to be active, at other times, when we cannot affect the course of events, we need to accept passively.
3. False Problems and Human Society
Human society is divided both geographically and ideologically:
East / West
Muslim / Western
North / South
Protestant / Roman Catholic
The division into East and West, today symbolized by the continuing strife between Judeo-Christian Western religions and Islam, strife which began with the eleventh century Crusades, can be overcome only by the search for Truth. Thus, if the West were to search for values deeper than the inherent secularism on which it has fed for nearly a thousand years, and the East could see through the violent and primitive myths of Mohammed, the conflict between them could be overcome. However, that would require a revolution in human cultural attachment. There also exists a division between north and south. In Western Europe, this is represented by the division between the largely Protestant north-west corner of Europe and the largely Roman Catholic south-west corner of Europe. There is no solution to this opposition until both sides revert to the early Christian mindset of the Church and abandon ideological positions taken up later in the second millennium of Christianity.
Human societies universally are also divided socially, economically and politically:
Old / Young
Rich / Poor
Conservative / Liberal
Right / Left
There is no need for such divisions to be conflictual. As natural and inevitable as they are, they can all be complementary. Thus, the old and the young need one another. Thus, if the rich understand that God allows them money to do good and the poor understand that, as they are poor, they do not have the cares of riches and can concentrate on their salvation, all will find some benefit. As for political passions, these do little good; only the passionless passion, to do God’s Will, does good.
4. False Problems and Human Individuality
Objective / Subjective
Science / Art
Law / Philosophy
Real / Symbolic
Some people are ruthlessly objective or rational and want to get all the facts before making a decision. Others come very quickly and irrationally to a subjective decision and yet are still right. We need our objective decisions to be confirmed subjectively and vice versa. Science and Art are in the same way complementary, as are Law and Philosophy. Thus, the real and the symbolic may be identical, complementing one another.
Aristotle / Plato
Jew / Greek
Montanists/ Gnostics
Monophysites / Nestorians
In human history the same tendencies are represented by the realism of Aristotle and the idealism of Plato, the attitudes of the Jew and the Greek. Both were wrong because both were Christless. In Church history there were similar situations between fanatical Montanists and liberal Gnostics and later between Monophysites and Nestorians. As always, these were merely 'isms', human inventions and nobody could be right, because both were less than Christ.
5. False Problems and the Church
Monasticism / Marriage
Contemplative / Active
Asceticism / Sacraments
Prayer / Fasting
Many find opposition between the above. There should not be. Many couples are formed through meeting in monasteries, monks and nuns come from families; monasticism and marriage are both contemplative and active; the ascetic life and the sacramental life feed off one another; prayer and fasting only have sense and depth when practised together.
Faith / Works
Letter / Spirit
Canons / Love
Akrivia / Economy
In terms of the application of Christianity to life, there need be no opposition between any of the above either. Thus, living faith always leads to works; the letter and the spirit should go hand in hand; the canons and love are complementary, the one feeding off the other; the strict application of the Faith, ‘Akrivia’, and the dispensations of ‘Economy’ go together.
6. Contemporary False Problems
Religion / Knowledge
Creation and Evolution
Heredity / Environment
Beginning / End
Of modern false questions, some of the most violent disputes have been between Science (the Latin word for Knowledge) and Religion. In the nineteenth century this developed into the Darwinian and anti-Darwinian disputes between Creation and Evolution, mirrored in the twentieth century conflict between those who believe in Heredity and those who believe in Environment as the agent responsible for the human character. In reality, all these factors are complementary and there is no need for any conflict between them. Thus, the Beginning and the End, Alpha and Omega, are united only by the Person of Christ.
Conclusion: False Problems and Human Understanding
Ultimately, all dilemmas, all false problems, arise because of a lack of human understanding of Christ, the lack of human acceptance of Christ. Only the Cross unites opposites, as the vertical and the horizontal bars of the Cross join in Christ. All are reconciled in Christ. As it is written: For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5, 10).
P/S - im not asking muslimin n muslimat to follow or believe in this article just want to make comparison between our believing. For me it's not an issues if we just read about what other people said.I believe in ALLAH only and only HE i'll devote my worshiped.


Friday, March 9, 2012
Kata orang, kalau kita sudah bertemu dengan jodoh kita, akan ada daya tarikan magnetic antara satu sama lain! Entahkan betul entahkan tidak. Tapi ayat tersebut selalu di gunakan pakai dalam kebanyakkan filem dan drama. Berikut adalah 10 petanda yang menunjukkan dia adalah jodoh kita :

1. Bersahaja
Kekasih kita itu bersikap bersahaja dan tidak berlakon. Cuba perhatikan cara dia berpakaian, cara percakapan, cara ketawa serta cara makan dan minum. Adakah ia spontan dan tidak dikawal ataupun kelihatan pelik. Kalau ia nampak kurang selesa dengan gayanya, sah dia sedang berlakon. Kadang-kadang, kita dapat mengesan yang dia sedang berlakon. Tetapi, apabila dia tampil bersahaja dan tidak dibuat-buat, maka dia adalah calon hidup kita yang sesuai. Jika tidak, dia mungkin bukan jodoh kita.

2. Senang Bersama
Walaupun kita selalu bersamanya, tidak ada sedikit pun perasaan bosan, jemu ataupun tertekan pada diri kita. Semakin hari semakin sayang kepadanya. Kita sentiasa tenang, gembira dan dia menjadi pengubat kedukaan kita. Dia juga merasainya. Rasa senang sekali apabila bersama. Apabila berjauhan, terasa sedikit tekanan dan rasa ingin berjumpa dengannya. Tidak kira siang ataupun malam, ketiadaannya terasa sedikit kehilangan.
3. Terima Kita Seadanya
Apapun kisah silam yang pernah kita lakukan, dia tidak ambil peduli. Mungkin dia tahu perpisahan dengan bekas kekasihnya sebelum ini kita yang mulakan. Dia juga tidak mengambil kisah siapa kita sebelum ini. Yang penting, siapa kita sekarang. Biarpun dia tahu yang kita pernah mempunyai kekasih sebelumnya, dia tidak ambil hati langsung. Yang dia tahu, kita adalah miliknya kini. Dia juga sedia berkongsi kisah silamnya. Tidak perlu menyimpan rahsia apabila dia sudah bersedia menjadi pasangan hidup kita.
4. Sentiasa Jujur

Dia tidak kisah apa yang kita lakukan asalkan tidak menyalahi hukum hakam agama. Sikap jujur yang dipamerkan menarik hati kita. Kejujuran bukan perkara yang boleh dilakonkan. Kita dapat mengesyaki sesuatu apabila dia menipu kita. Selagi kejujuran bertakhta di hatinya, kebahagiaan menjadi milik kita. Apabila berjauhan, kejujuran menjadi faktor paling penting bagi suatu hubungan. Apabila dia tidak jujur, sukar baginya mengelak daripada berlaku curang kepada kita. Apabila dia jujur, semakin hangat lagi hubungan cinta kita. Kejujuran yang disulami dengan kesetiaan membuahkan percintaan yang sejati. Jadi, dialah sebaik-baik pilihan.

5. Percaya Mempercayai
Setiap orang mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Adakalanya rahsia ini perlu dikongsi supaya dapat mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung. Apabila kita mempunyai rahsia dan ingin memberitahu kekasih, adakah rahsia kita selamat di tangannya? Bagi mereka yang berjodoh, sifat saling percaya mempercayai antara satu sama lain timbul dari dalam hati nurani mereka. Mereka rasa selamat apabila memberitahu rahsia-rahsia kepada kekasihnya berbanding rakan-rakan yang lain. Satu lagi, kita tidak berahsia apa pun kepadanya dan kita pasti rahsia kita selamat. Bukti cinta sejati adalah melalui kepercayaan dan kejujuran. Bahagialah individu yang memperoleh kedua-duanya.

6. Senang Bekerjasama
Bagi kita yang inginkan hubungan cinta berjaya dan kekal dalam jangka masa yang panjang, kita dan dia perlu saling bekerjasama melalui hidup ini. Kita dan kekasih perlu memberi kerjasama melakukan suatu perkara sama ada perkara remeh ataupun sukar. Segala kerja yang dilakukan perlulah ikhlas bagi membantu pasangan dan meringankan tugas masing-masing. Perkara paling penting, kita dan dia dapat melalui semua ini dengan melakukannya bersama-sama. Kita dan dia juga dapat melakukan semuanya tanpa memerlukan orang lain dan kita senang melakukannya bersama. Ini penting kerana ia mempengaruhi kehidupan kita pada masa hadapan. Jika tiada kerjasama, sukar bagi kita hidup bersamanya. Ini kerana, kita yang memikul beban tanggungjawab seratus peratus. Bukankah ini menyusahkan?
7. Memahami Diri Kita

Bagi pasangan yang berjodoh, dia mestilah memahami diri pasangannya. Semasa kita sakit dia bawa ke klinik. Semasa kita berduka, dia menjadi penghibur. Apabila kita mengalami kesusahan, dia menjadi pembantu. Di kala kita sedang berleter, dia menjadi pendengar. Dia selalu bersama kita dalam sebarang situasi. Tidak kira kita sedang gembira ataupun berduka, dia sentiasa ada untuk kita. Dia juga bersedia mengalami pasang surut dalam percintaan. Kata orang, "lidah sendiri lagikan tergigit", inikan pula suami isteri'. Pepatah ini juga sesuai bagi pasangan kekasih. Apabila dia sentiasa bersama kita melalui hidup ini di kala suka dan duka, di saat senang dan susah, dialah calon yang sesuai menjadi pasangan hidup kita.

8. Tampilkan Kelemahan

Tiada siapa yang sempurna di dunia ini. Tipulah jika ada orang yang mengaku dia insan yang sempurna daripada segala sudut. Pasti di kalangan kita memiliki kelemahan dan keburukan tertentu. Bagi dia yang bersedia menjadi teman hidup kita, dia tidak terlalu menyimpan rahsia kelemahannya dan bersedia memberitahu kita. Sudah tentu bukan senang untuk memberitahu dan mengakui kelemahan di hadapan kekasihnya. Malah, dia tidak segan mempamerkan keburukannya kepada kita. Misalnya, apabila dia bangun tidur ataupun sakit dan tidak mandi dua hari, dia tidak menghalang kita daripada melawatnya.Apabila kita dan dia saling menerima kelemahan dan sifat buruk masing-masing, memang ditakdirkan kita hidup bersamanya.

9. Kata Hati

Dengarlah kata hati. Kadangkala, manusia dikurniakan Allah deria keenam yang dapat mengetahui dan memahami perasaan pasangannya. Dengan deria batin ini juga kita dapat saling tahu perasaan masing-masing. Kita dan dia juga dapat membaca fikiran antara satu sama lain dan dapat menduga reaksi dan tindakbalas pada situasi tertentu. Apabila kita yakin dengan pilihan hidup kita, tanyalah sekali lagi. Adakah dia ditakdirkan untuk kita? Dengarlah kata hati dan buatlah pilihan. Serahlah segalanya pada ketentuan yang maha berkuasa.

10. Solat Istikharah dan Tawakkal

Jodoh dan pertemuan semuanya di tangan Allah SWT. Manusia hanya perancang di pentas dunia ini dan skripnya ditulis oleh yang maha esa. Adakalanya, dalam memainkan peranan sebagai pelakon, diberi petunjuk melalui mimpi atau gerak hati. Mimpi memang mainan tidur, tetapi apabila kita melakukan sembahyang Istikharah dan memohon supaya Allah memberikan petunjuk, insya-Allah dengan izinnya kita mendapat petunjukNya. Jika dia pilihan kita, buatlah keputusan sebaiknya. Jika tidak, tolaklah dia dengan baik. Semua yang kita lakukan ini adalah bagi mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia. Setelah semuanya diusahakan, berserahlah kepadaNya dan terus berdoa. Ingatlah, nikmat di dunia ini hanya sementara.Nikmat di akhirat adalah kekal selamanya.
“ Manusia merancang, Allah menentukan.” - Madah Cinta

“Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga mereka sendiri mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka.” – Al-Quran
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Selain menjadi bacaan terbaik di hari Jumaat, surah al-kahfi jika diamalkan akan memberikan banyak manfaat kepada pengamalnya untuk melihat perancangan Dajjal yang berlaku di sekeliling kita.
Rasulullah saw bersabda:“Maukah aku tunjukkan padamu suatu surah yang diikuti oleh seribu malaikat ketika diturunkan, dan keagungannya memenuhi antara langit dan bumi?” Sahabat menjawab: Mau. Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Surat Ashhabul Kahfi. Barangsiapa yang membacanya pada hari Jum’at, Allah akan mengampuni dosanya sampai Jum’at berikutnya dan ditambah tiga hari, diberi cahaya yang mencapai ke langit, dan akan terjaga dari fitnah Dajjal.” (Tafsir Nur Ats-Tsaqalayn 3: 243)
Drpd Abi Darda' Radiyallahu 'Anhu Berkata Nabi saw
"Barangsiapa yang menghafaz 1-10 ayat dr surah Al-Kahfi dipelihara dan di selamatkanya dari Fitnah Dajjal ". (Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dan Muslim, An-Nasaie)
Disunnahkan membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada siang hari atau malam harinya (Jumaat) sebagaimana pendapat Imam Syafi'i (Lihat Al-Adzkar oleh Imam Nawawi). Seorang muslim yang menghafal sepuluh atau tiga ayat pertama dari surah Al-Kahfi akan terjaga dari fitnah Dajjal, atau siapa yang membaca sepuluh ayat terakhir dan sepuluh ayat dari surah Al-Kahfi akan terjaga dari fitnah Dajjal. 
Dalilnya adalah hadits dari Abu Darda radliallahu `anhu dari Nabi berkata:
"Barangsiapa yang menghafal sepuluh ayat pertama dari surah Al- Kahfi terjaga dari fitnah Dajjal." (HR. Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Tirmidzi)

Bacaan Lanjut:

0 Adakah si Dia meminatimu…

Kadangkala wanita sukar memahami tingkah laku lelaki. Kadangkala mereka takut salah erti tingkah laku sesorang lelaki kepada dirinya. Oleh itu, sekiranya anda ingin mengetahuinya, bacalah entri kali ini :

Langkah si dia cuba mendekatimu…

  • si dia membelanja anda makan @ minum…
  • si dia ingin meminjam sesuatu dr anda atau meminta bantuan anda..langkah ini membuatkn si dia berasa dekat dgn anda.
  • si dia mengajak anda menemaninya bersiar-siar & membeli belah yg mana langkah ini akn membuatkn anda menerima si dia..
  • si dia mula bertanya kn tentang keluarga anda & dlm masa yg sama si dia akan bercerita tntang keluarga nya. Topik ini secara tidak lgsg akan merapatkan lagi hubungan anda berdua kerana anda berdua sudah saling mengetahui tentang diri masing2.
  • si dia akn sentiasa bertanya khabar tentang anda..dengan ini anda tentunya akan berasa lebih disayangi..
  • si dia akan memberikan anda hadiah istimewa. Ini menandakan si dia ingin melanjutkan hubungan yang lebih dr seorang rakan.
  • si dia mula melayan anda seperti anda kekasihnya. Setiap kata-katanya juga adalah kata sayang & cinta..

Teruskan hubungan dengan si dia jika…

  • si dia x tergopoh gapah utk menjalinkn hubungan dgn anda secara serius di mana si dia akan mendekati anda dengan sabar & x tergopoh gapah.
  • si dia sering mengambil berat tentang anda termasuklah tentang kesihatan,makan,minum & setiap apa yg anda lakukan.
  • si dia sentiasa membantu anda tidah kira apa jua pertolongan yg anda perlukan.
  • si dia x berkira walaupun anda & dia bru berkenalan, si dia tidak kisah membelanjakan wangnya untuk anda.
  • si dia sentiasa ingin menggembirakan anda dan tidak akan membebankan anda dengan masalah-masalahnya. Si dia ingin sentiasa bersama anda dengan memberikan kenangan yang indah.
  • si dia tidak berahsia tentang pengenalan dirinya,tempat tinggal & nombor telefon agar hubungan anda & si dia tidak berakhir di situ shaja.
  • si dia berterus terang tentang status nya sama asa si dia pernah ada teman istimewa @ si dia sememangnya single.Si dia juga tidak kisah anda membaca sms @ membantunya menjawab panggilan telefon menandakan katanya adalah benar.
  • apabila ada masa terluang,dia pasti akan menghubungi anda & memberitahu anda tentang aktiviti nya.

Hati2 dengan si dia jika…

  • si dia terlalu cepat memberitahu anda bahawa si dia ingin menjalinkan hubungan serius dengan anda. Misalnya baru 3 hari sudah bercakap soal cinta & sayang.. Nampk mcm penipu je kn…?
  • mulut kata sayang & cinta tetapi tidak pernah mengambil berat soal anda malah bersikap mementingkan diri pula.
  • ada sahaja alasannya apabila anda meminta pertolongan. Sekiranya dia menolong skalipun hanya lah buat secara ala kadar sahaja untuk mengambil hati anda.
  • agak berkira sedikit dalam soal kewangan. Wlaupun masing2 telahbekerja namun apabila keluar makan bersama, hari ini si dia belanja anda namu, dia mula mengharapkan anda pula membelanja nya keesokan harinya..
  • si dia mengajak anda melakukan perkara yang si dia suka sahaja tanpa mempedulikan anda suka atau tidak apa yang dilakukannya.Jika anda tidak menyukai aktiviti yang akan dilakukan bersamanya,si dia tetap memaksa anda mengikutnya.
  • si dia cuba mengelak jika ditanya tentang alamat rumah dan hanya memberitahu secara umum sahaja. Begitu juga sekiranaya anda mahu tahu nombor telefon rumah & nombor telefon nya yg lain untuk dihubungi, si dia sama sekali tidak akan memberinya. Jika ikhlas, mengapa perlu berselindung..?
  • si dia tidak pernah menceritakan tentang status dirinya. Apabila ditanya si dia akan berkata ” saya mana ada gf..siapalah yang hendakkan saya”. Tetapi telefonnya tidak pernah berhenti dr menerima panggilan @ sms. Si dia akan merampas telefon cepat2 jika anda cuba membantunya menjawab panggilan telefon @ membaca sms.Selepas itu,setiap kali bersama anda,telefonnya akan dimatikan.. Faham2 je la…
  • si dia jarang menghubungi anda apabila tidak bersama anda dan memberi alasan sibuk untuk tidak keluar bersama anda.

1 T-U-L-I-P-S

Saturday, March 3, 2012
At first glance, it looks like a giant child armed with a box of crayons has been set loose upon the landscape. Vivid stripes of purple, yellow, red, pink, orange and green make up a glorious Technicolor patchwork. Yet far from being a child’s sketchbook, this is, in fact, the northern Netherlands in the middle of the tulip season. With more than 10,000 hectares devoted to the cultivation of these delicate flowers, the Dutch landscape in May is a kaleidoscope of giddy colors as the tulips burst into life. The bulbs were planted in late October and early November, and these colorful creations are now ready to be picked and sold as bunches of cut flowers in florists and supermarkets. More than three billion tulips are grown each year and two-thirds of the vibrant blooms are exported, mostly to the U.S. and Germany ..Thanks to ALLAH SWT who creates this worlds for us.

0 P.E.T.A.N.D.A

Friday, March 2, 2012
Tanda-Tanda Si Jejaka Di Lamun C.I.N.T.A :~

1. Kecantikan kamu diketepikan. Keikhlasan kamu diutamakan.
2. Apabila timbul orang ketiga, dia akan hilang akal dan sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk merebut kembali kekasihnya.
3. Si dia akan sentiasa menghantar SMS. Walaupun tidak dibalas. Ini tanda si dia sentiasa memikirkan kamu.
4. Si dia sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kekasihnya. Bukan semua lelaki anggup menitiskan air mata hanya untuk seorang perempuan. Tidakkah kamu terharu melihat seorang lelaki yang sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kamu. Itu membuktikan cintanya begitu kuat buatmu.
5. Sentiasa menghiburkan hati kamu dikala gundah. Sentiasa bersungguh melakukan sesuatu untuk kamu.
6. Jangan kamu anggap teman lelakimu seorang yang kuat membebel Sekiranya setiap masa dia cuba memberi kamu nasihat. Ingat, nasihat bermaksud mengingati.
7. Jika sudah sayang, macam-macam akan kamu fikirkan termasuklah bimbang akan kehilanganya. Begitu juga jika teman lelakimu menyatakan dia selalu memikir dan risaukan kesudahan hubungan kamu. Ini bermakna dia selalu fikirkan mengenai hubungan kamu dan bagaimana untuk menyelamatkannya dari berakhir begitu sahaja
8. Ada juga lelaki yang cepat berasa sensitif dan mudah marah sekiranya apa yang diperkatakannya tidak diambil perhatian, lebih-lebih lagi dari orang yang dia sayangi. Baginya kamu bersikap acuh tidak acuh. Hal ini boleh menimbulkan perasaan cemburu meluap-luap, tambahan pula sekiranya kamu boleh menjadi pendengar setia apabila berdampingan dengan orang lain. Pasti dia merasakan dirinya tidak berguna pada kamu.
9. Lucu tapi hakikatnya begitulah apabila teman lelakimu berperangai tidak ubah seperti anak-anak kecil semata-mata untuk mendapat perhatian daripadamu. Si dia mahu bermanja dan inginkan kekasih hatinya melayannya lebih daripada orang lain yang pernah kamu sayang. Kalau dia merajuk hati, sesekali cubalah untuk memujuknya.
10. Kamu hadapi masalah dan orang pertama yang datang membantumu adalah teman lelakimu. Tandanya dia tidak mahu melihat kamu susah dan rasa bertanggungjawab untuk membantu.
11. Sekiranya teman lelakimu sentiasa bertanyakan soalan yang sama, “You masih sayang I?”, jangan anggap itu satu persoalan yang membosankan. Itu tandanya si dia tidak mahu kasih sayang kamu kepadanya menjadi luntur. Sebab itulah, kalimah tersebut sentiasa diulang-ulang agar kamu tahu betapa si dia sentiasa mahu kamu ingat diri kamu sudah dimiliki olehnya.
12. Tidak suka kamu memakai seksi kerana tidak suka kamu diperhatikan lelaki lain walaupun berlengan pendek.
13. Dia berusaha mengongkong kebebasan kekasihnya kerana perasaan cemburunya yang meluap-luap.
14. Dia sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan kekasihnya kerana dia sentiasa berasa curiga.
15. Dia mudah merasa cemburu dan sensitif apabila kekasihnya tidak menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepadanya.
16. Dia tidak akan melayan perempuan lain yang tidak ada urusan penting dengannya.
17. Kalau ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, ia akan berasa serik dan tidak percaya dengan cinta perempuan lain namun dia sentiasa mengharap kekasihnya kembali kepadanya.
18. Dia tidak suka kamu keluar malam, tanda ingin menjaga pandangan org terhadap kamu.
19. Dia tidak akan berlaku curang kepada kekasihnya namun jikalau dia dia berbuat demikian itu bererti hatinya belum 100 peratus mencintai kekasihnya.
20. Dia tidak suka ada lelaki lain mendekati kekasihnya.

HARGAILAH Lelaki dan terimalah mereka seadanya. Berilah diri kamu peluang untuk kembali mencintai seseorang yang bergelar L.E.L.A.K.I.